Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A solace amidst the madness of massacre.

This is for the mothers
Who have had to witness their screaming, bleeding babies ripped out of their very hands
This is for the fathers
Who have had to live through the pain of trying to protect a family from something they cannot control
This is for the husbands
Who have been made to put up with the torture of seeing their own wives brutally raped
This is for the wives
Who have been beaten,
used as virtual war toys
This is for the children
Who have to put up with the psychological want for power, our corruption.
Who have to be the victim of every atrocity they were never involved in
This is for the children who still manage to smile through the rubble
Clearing the dust that may have blocked the sun and just letting the hope
filter in
For the children who’ve been forced into adulthood before adolescence
This is for the youth
Who have left everything
To fight, to put up with the torture, the death, the depression,
Who have willingly set themselves up to be killed- or worse: “taken in” - just so that they may proclaim
This is for the bystanders
Those who know of the massacres but can find absolutely nothing to do but pray
And prayer is our greatest weapon
This is for humanity
That little beating voice that insists, “Do not hush my freedom”
That massive jolt of inspiration
Through blood, sweat, and tears
Towards justice.
This is hope talking
Hope is speaking to you.
Hope has not yet abandoned you.
Justice will be served
I swear by God, The Avenger, that justice will be served
And that the good in people will remain in the people
And for the people
No matter what the sadistic ones have tried
Humanity cannot be cleansed out of us
It will linger
It might falter.
But it is there
And through the deafening bombs
Through the supposed “war” tactics
Through the newborn babies crying from the pain induced by shrapnel
God’s Name is etched in every plan
There will be a day when we all step forth
And every innocent will be rewarded their sum
And every oppressor will be cast away to rot in the depths of hell for what he thought would go unnoticed
Hold onto that
And remember,
not to let the bitterness of this world drag you down into the depths of numbness
rather let it motivate you.
Know that it is when you take everything away from the people that they become most powerful
When they have nothing to lose but their dignity and freedom
they will fight 
We have the power of Allahu Akbar.
God is our witness
And by God, there is nothing we need more than that
Freedom is imminent.
 Yes, God willing.

It's all sinking in.

         .....Freedom       is inevitable.

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